Shashi Tharoor removes his own posters

Shashi Tharoor


“This is a beautiful town, and I don’t want politics to disfigure it.” These words come from Sashi Tharoor, a candidate for the Lok Sabha seat from Thirvuvananthapuram.

He came out to the streets of TVM yesterday to remove his posters from the street walls. A very welcoming deed. Kerala state is usually in a pathetic state after the elections with political posters on each and every walls and street sides. Even the roads will have the party names painted on them. The cleanliness of the towns and cities have never been a concern for any political parties.

Another disgusting fact is that these posters are never removed after elections. They remain there till the next elections, when fresh posters are pasted again.

It’s in such a scenario that Shashi Tharoor has set himself a role model for all other politicians.Here is a deed by a politician, we can be proud of. A very rare thing indeed! I wish him all the very best for the elections.

3 Responses to Shashi Tharoor removes his own posters

  1. Aswin says:

    He is a role model indeed. Here is what he said on twitter about the incident.

  2. This is kind of a political figure that we would need in your country to flourish as a top nation both politically and economically. I hope people like these are able to make a radical change in the country through social revolutions.

  3. Monson says:

    Save Shashi Taroor. He is a rare breed of individual, desperately Indian politics, especially Kerala needs. It’s high time we say good bye to Kerala beedi politicians and accept and invite more sensible people who can do something and save the state from ruins.

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